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My entry on List Serve
Name: Bos Eriko Reyes
Current Location: Tondo, Manila, Philippines
Subject Line: "Talent means next to nothing, while experience acquired in humility and hard work means everything." — Giuseppe Baldini
Email body:

There are three things that I love doing over the internet; website developing/designing, watching anime and reading other people's articles.

Hi, my name is Eriko, I'm a 20-year-old IT student here in the Philippines. I've been watching anime ever since I was a kid and up to now I'm still doing it. I'm thankful to the internet because it gave me free access to new anime episodes straight from Japan. It's pretty awesome to still continue a hobby that I have from when I was a little lamb. I started watching anime over the internet back when I was in middle school, it's probably over 6 years ago. I pity myself back then because I always thought that I have no talent. In our family of 5, I have two older brothers, both of them can draw anime very well, same goes with my pops. Me, on the other hand, can't even draw a proper stick man. This self-pity continued up until high school.

High school came and I got myself into a forum about a particular game. The forum closed along with the game, but us users of the forum still want to continue our conversations. We decided to make a website that we can use. Ever heard of Ning? It's a website where you can create your own social network. At ning you can customize your website's CSS. That's not just for the administrator, but for the users as well. Just like the old friendster, at ning you can add a small code of HTML, and by adding an external stylesheet you can edit its CSS. It made me interested in CSS. It's funny because I first learned CSS and then HTML. After some years I finally got comfortable with HTML, CSS and JavaScript and nowadays I can create a website from scratch! It made me feel good inside because I finally got my own niche.

Fast forward to the present day. I mentioned that I like reading other people's articles, right? I mentioned all my three hobby at the start of this e-mail. I've combined all those three hobbies that I have on the internet and the result is "Kuru Anime." It's a website about Anime where users can post blog, drawings, and have conversation on the forum. It's just starting, sooner or later we'll have anime streaming and podcasts about anime. It's a website where I can do all of my hobbies. Neat, right? It might seem crazy but I'm thinking of making it a full pledge company. A small company like 9gag. If my plan succeeds, then that would be awesome.

"Talent means next to nothing, while experience acquired in humility and hard work means everything." My hard work was rewarded with 130 members, 30 of which are active. It might not be that much but it's still pretty impressive considering that I just reopened it last month. If anyone of you are interested I'll include a link below. Also, if you have any questions, you can contact me on my e-mail. Thank you for reading my short List Serve! Now I'll go back to watching The Amazing Spiderman 2. Bye!

  •  08/09/14
  •  292
  •  Personal
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  •  5.0/5
I won the lottery. xD
Eriko-kun • 1:31 AM, 10/09/14