Users' Group Explanation
- Big Boss
- 161
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Explanation of Pawn, Knight, Bishop, Rook, Queen, and King. | Pawn Newly registered members are assigned to the group Pawn. Pawns have security measures associated with them. They have to insert captcha codes on almost every modules that they'll use. This is to make sure that spambots don't flood our website with spams. Spams can be tasty in real life, but not in our website. | | Knight When you meet up a certain specified task when you're a pawn, your user group will be automatically be moved to the Knight group. The Knights doesn't have captcha codes on modules so they can spend their time here on our website in a luxurious manner. They also have more features compared to the group Pawn. I won't tell what the specified task is, but I'll give you a hint; be active! | | Bishop A special group of users who moderate the other products of Kuru Anime. It can be the Google+ page, the radio, and anything else that is made by Kuru Anime. Bishops can be our anime reporters, editors, DJs, stream provider, scanlators, and many more! | | Rook The Rook group does a special role here on our website. Without them, all of this won't be possible. They keep the site peaceful. They help users that are in need. They have more control on the website compared to the Knights/Bishops. They also know the latest scoop that I'm scheming. In other words, they are our lovely moderators. | | Queen A title given only to a single user. This group is almost the same as the Knight/Bishop, but what makes it special is that she's the only one in her group. We fix her problem much faster than the other groups. She's a special user that makes me happy. Of course, I know her in real life. The Queen is the better half of the King. | | King The King! The one with absolute control. I have access to all there is here on our website. I plan the next design, I code the website, I also do the same job as the Rooks. I created this website so I think I have the right to be the one on top. I'm also the first one to register here on the website, so if you're wondering how old this website is; check my registration date on my profile. |
- Noob
- 14
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Perfect explanation of how things work here. Nice rankings too.
Love is a gift, cherish it.
- Big Boss
- 161
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aoongaku, thanks.
I scream. You scream. We all scream for Kuru Anime!
- Rurouni
- 124
- 3
Thanks, this was quite an informative page
- Noob
- 15
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How dare you put me as a Knight, I hate fighting for a king! I want a Unicorn Knight rank. ¬¬"
Elexy - Tu, 09/09/14, 5:34 PM
Owner Of Rawtrex " Your online source for free music!"
- Big Boss
- 161
- 4
Elexy, unicorn knigth rank. xD well, I can change your title. lol
I scream. You scream. We all scream for Kuru Anime!
- Rurouni
- 124
- 3
Eriko-kun, thats not a default rank right? ;P How do you change ranks, I remember seeing the option for it somewhere, but I forgot
- Big Boss
- 161
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Tendou, you guys are mean. xD It's also on the rook's instructions. lol
I scream. You scream. We all scream for Kuru Anime!
- Noob
- 15
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Quote Eriko-kun ( ) I can change your title Dude you trying to play me, lol!
I want a Unicorn Rank, this right here: Look how cute that is bro, come on now, that is just gangstah. ♥
Elexy - We, 10/09/14, 5:58 PM
Owner Of Rawtrex " Your online source for free music!"
- Rurouni
- 124
- 3
Dear user, We are sorry we cannot accommodate your request to be a unicorn... Please file all complaints to 000-000-0001. We apologize for not being able to take care of your demands at this moment as you are not very important... We suggest you imagine that you are a unicorn. Best of luck to your new life as a unicorn, and... ROFL jk
- Citizen
- 69
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I realized what I can do on my profile page. >:D roflol
⊂(´・◡・⊂ )∘˚˳° ヘ(◕。◕ヘ)
- Noob
- 15
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Quote Tendou ( ) 000-000-0001 Is that collect?
Elexy - Th, 11/09/14, 3:47 AM
Owner Of Rawtrex " Your online source for free music!"
- Rurouni
- 124
- 3
Thats for you to find out...