The rules listed here will only be applicable on the Drawing page. Other parts of the website will have their own set of rules or will follow the basic netiquette. By posting on the Drawing page you agree to the rules that are listed here.
The rules are introduced to create comfortable and constructive atmosphere of communication. If the established form of communication doesn't suit you, then abstain from participation in this conference.
The rules are as follows:
- You may only post drawings that you created. This rule works on all categories. Please keep in mind that if you want to post someone else's drawing then you need to have their permission and be sure to add the source.
- Other form of art (like photography, photo manipulation, handcraft, etc.) is not allowed. Only drawings are allowed.
- We may also question you to see if you really own the drawing that you posted. Failure to prove that the drawing is yours may result in the removal of the drawing.
- You're also not allowed to post the same drawing twice. This is considered as spam. The second drawing will be removed without notice.
- Users from the group Pawn won't be able to see their drawings after uploading them. They will still need the approval of the Rooks before their drawings can be visible.
- Drawings must be placed on the proper category. If there is no category that fits your drawing then please put it on a category which is closest to your drawing's category.
- Have fun discussing your drawings!
Drawings that will fail to comply will be removed with or without notice. We may also add reproofs on the user who uploaded the drawing.
The administration reserves the right to change the rules with the further notification of the Drawing page users. All Drawing page changes and updates are carried out with the consideration of users' opinions and interests.