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High School Of The Dead
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 1     Tu, 09/09/14, 5:45 PM

I spend most of the time hearing about this anime, I seen very little of it and I was just wondering if this thing was actually a good series or a waste of my time. I mean, I love the big boobies and all, but it is as good as people say, to the point where will not get all bored and stuff watching it!

So, let me know what you guys think, if you have no idea, you can base your opinions on what you seen like me if you like!

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 2     Tu, 09/09/14, 10:00 PM
It sorta sucked that it feels like it just got cut off, there is talk of second season, but I've searched endlessly but no proof has been shown of a second season.

If you want to wait and see what happens just depends on you, but it is a great watch. There is action, there are boobies, and there will be nosebleeds.
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 3     Tu, 09/09/14, 11:59 PM
Yeah its a really good one, but I agree with Panda. So much potential, but it got cut off immediately during the climax. Something about the manga being stopped I guess
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 4     We, 10/09/14, 4:52 AM
as far as I know, the manga is still running. or not. I can't remember. it has 30 chapters now.
it was ok, tbh. it could have had less fanservice-ish stuff. but it was mediocre.
I'd read it again.
"If you were to write a story with me in the lead role, it would certainly be... A tragedy."
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 5     We, 10/09/14, 5:52 PM
Quote Sumisen ()
I'd read it again.
Well I'm talking about the anime series, like the TV show, not a comic or something.

So pretty much like, anyone know why it was cut off, was it cus of funds or they lost interest, started something or..?
Elexy - We, 10/09/14, 5:53 PM

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 6     We, 10/09/14, 6:06 PM
I think it was that the manga wasnt being serialized anymore because it wasnt popular in japan... Apparently they didnt like the whole zombies and bouncing/jiggling idea xP
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 7     Th, 11/09/14, 10:49 PM
Idk who wouldn't, it was a great watch for me . . . can't say the same for my nose
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 8     Sa, 13/09/14, 2:00 PM
Quote Panda ()
Idk who wouldn't, it was a great watch for me . . . can't say the same for my nose
I liked the whole idea too, but I will watch some of the episodes from my movie website either way. If I do not like it or anything, I just blame you all.

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 9     Su, 14/09/14, 11:10 PM
Well if "you like the big boobies and all" you should like it, and it really doesnt get boring wink Only problem is that they end it at the climax
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 10     Mo, 15/09/14, 1:04 PM
Quote Tendou ()
Only problem is that they end it at the climax
That's basically it, the manga goes a bit further but even that was cut off too.
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