- Big Boss
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Alright, just to put something in this ghost town of ours; I'll post the first thread. Hello! My name is Bos Eriko, and I'm the King of this website. What's a king anyway? The king is equivalent to an administrator. I control the design, the security, and the database of the website. All the things that you can see here is made by me, well some scripts aren't like the forums. So basically I own this, along with some few Rooks (moderators) -- they are keeper-san, yuki-chan, miki-nii. and lielouch. We're a growing family. We started with just a simple Google+ page, heck I didn't even see myself creating a community website. At the moment we have almost 700 awesome followers, and it's still growing bit by bit. I originally planned on creating a community website once we've hit 10,000; I dream too much! Speaking of "I," let's talk about myself. (Anonymous Reader: "We don't care about your life! Go away") Stop! xD Whether you like it or not, you'll read my life! I'm a Bachelor of Science in Information Technology. I live in the Philippines, a tropical country based somewhere in South East Asia. The name of my school is Far Eastern University - East Asia College. My passion is creating, and developing things; so that's why BSIT is the degree that I chose. When you like you're job, you'll earn easily. Make your job a game, and your stress will go away. Hey! Did that rhyme or what? I think I have a nack in rap; woot! That rhymed again! Get it? Nack? Rap? Ah, forget it; I'm lame. xD I guess I'll stop this non-sense, and make this introduction a short one. We don't want you getting all bored, and sh*t; right? :P Sorry for the word. Haha.
I scream. You scream. We all scream for Kuru Anime!
- Big Boss
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Brice-Kun, back to you. thanks for joining Kuru Anime.
I scream. You scream. We all scream for Kuru Anime!